Code No: ST-01 Product Name: Stanzol 10 Substance:
Stanozolol Manufacturer: SB Labs Сontent: 100 tabs - 10mg per tab Effective Dose: 50 - 100mg per day
Code No: ST-02 Product Name: Stanozolol Substance:
Stanozolol Manufacturer: LA Pharma, Italy Сontent: 100 tabs - 10mg per tab Effective Dose: 50 - 100mg per day
Code No: ST-03 Product Name: Stanztab 10 Substance:
Stanozolol Manufacturer: Unigen Life Sciences Сontent: 50 tabs per box - 10mg per tab Effective Dose: 50 -
100mg per day
Code No: ST-04 Product Name: Winstrol Depot Substance:
Stanozolol Manufacturer: Zambon Content: 3 amps per box - 50mg per amp Effective Dose: 50 - 100mg per day
Code No: ST-05 Product
Name: Winstrol Substance: Stanozolol Manufacturer: Maxpro Content: 75mg per ml - 10ml vial Effective Dose: 50
- 100mg per day
Stanozolol is a potent anabolic, but also binds to the progesterone receptor and to LAGS in the liver. In
muscle tissue, it has been found to stimulate immediate-early gene expression by a means independent of the AR. Stanozolol
can stimulate the production of prostaglandin E2 and the matrix metalloproteases collegenase and stromelysin in skin fibroblasts.
It has been found to inhibit growth factor stimulated DNA synthesis and fibroblasts. The drug has substantial fibrinolytic
properties, and has been effective in the treatment of urticaria, Raynaud's phenomenon, cryptofibrinogenemia, and lipodermatosclerosis.
It has also effected cures of osteonecrosis in cases resistant to all other therapy. Stanozolol has been used successfully
in treatment of AIDS wasting syndrome.
This drug is also useful in treatment of hereditary angioedema. It is somewhat hepatotoxic, but less so than
many other oral anabolic steroids. It influences some immunological processes. Stanozolol has been found to increase lymphocyte
count and CD8+ cell numbers, but to decrease CD4+ and CD3+ in postmenopausal women using it for osteoporosis. This effect
would plausibly be useful for treatment of autoimmune disorders.
Stanozolol also lowers lipoprotein (a).
Stanozolol is the chemical name of active ingredient in Winstrol.
Winstrol is a registered trademark of Sanofi-Synthelabo Inc. in the United States and/or
other countries. Sanofi has licensed rights of Wnstrol to Ovation Pharmaceuticals.